As Google now demanding all website be "mobile" friendly, i have uploaded a mod that should now make browsing easier on a phone rather than using tapitalk, any feedback most welcome.
Looks ok was having trouble with tapitalk. So hopefully this will work better
Bugger, didn't know, got a couple issues to review tonight then
only issue I had with Tapatalk was it only wanted to update/refresh on Wifi
My issue with tapitalk is it keeps changing my login name from login name to site nickname ie it changes Mr Rizla to Mr Rizla - USR27, so next login fails grr
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Looks good on Hudl2 and on Xperia Z2
I need a new one,won against the council who admitted having a trench 5 inches deep due burst water mains and they were told by the water board it was liable to flooding a month before road that they had been told about a month earlier was a failing and could have put a sing saying road unfit for purpose but my phone took a beating.So while claim is going through,looking for a cheap one
Quote from: Pete on June 28, 2017, 09:39:07 PM
I need a new one,won against the council who admitted having a trench 5 inches deep due burst water mains and they were told by the water board it was liable to flooding a month before road that they had been told about a month earlier was a failing and could have put a sing saying road unfit for purpose but my phone took a beating.So while claim is going through,looking for a cheap one
pete , your provider can help you, meaning they can tell you if you can go to Tesco to buy a stand alone, or burner phone, andd/or they can replace it, however if you bought it outright, then the provider could crack a phone you can use your sim card in.
Other solution is you contact your network provider and ask for there open mobile phones sale each shop/provider have them, but don't tell people