How to put pictures in the forum

Started by Mr Rizla, March 16, 2010, 10:08:47 AM

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Mr Rizla

March 16, 2010, 10:08:47 AM Last Edit: March 27, 2010, 04:48:43 PM by Mr Rizla@TLB
Below is a series of screen shots showing how to put images on the server, please note this thread was created using the IMG codes from a series of pictures I took of my desktop, then croped and uploaded to PB.

Use Photobucket to host your pictures

Logon to the server

PB will ask you to upload your image, or images

Select the picture

Once uploaded PB will ask you to comment ot title the picture, you dont need to if u lazy like me

Click SAVE and then PB will offer you 4 types of code to access your picture

Were interested in the IMG code line, this allows you to place pictures on the forum

Simply copy the code as exampled above and paste into the forum thread


Mr Rizla

UPDATE -  just noticed PB now allows you to upload video's as well as pictures, not tried it but maybe you can and let me know how you get on

Julian Barker [Giuliano] USR 10

Note that Photobucket is blocked on some of the networks I use so images hosted there are invisible to me. On the other hand Flickr is visible.

Mr Rizla

Very true, Flickr is also good, we have a chap on TLB that posts a lot of amazing bike and car pictures from California and I know he uses both. There are a load of different hosting site, this is just an example


Any self-respecting ISP gives you your own web-space, why not use that?

Mr Rizla