The London Marathon, sunday 17th April

Started by Trout@TLB, April 08, 2011, 11:43:30 AM

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Hey all!  Been a long time since i've seen some of you, that what happens when ur bikeless!

Anyhows... i'm doing the London Marathon next week.  Training has been somewhat thwarted by ill health, but i will be starting and i will be finishing it. Hopefully both on the same day!

I'm running to raise funds for the Outward Bound Trust charity, who provide fantastic opportunities for young people to help develop their potential.more about the Outward Bound Trust can be found here:

I'm still very short on my sponsorship target... my aim is to reach £1750 in sponsorship!  If anyone would like to make a donation to the Outward Bound Trust, and help me to reach my target, please visit: 

i hope the weather cools off a little between now and then though!

Runner number 40608




I tried to send dosh via Paypal all seemed well but nothing has come out of my account !



Stem, hope ur well fella... have u changed mobile number?

Its not showing anything, and if paypal isnt showing it then it hasnt completed for some reason.  Maybe give it an hour and try again?


Tried once more, goes to Paypal ok then gives an error when returning to the virgin charity donation site


thats odd. dont know if other people have been using paypal or donating via debit/credit card?


BOLLOX to it.....Pat and I will give ya a nicker a mile. We can sort out how afterwards

Mr Rizla


Hi Trouty - I hope you don't mind I stuck your link on a couple of bike forums to see if I could get you some mroe sponsorship - it got a couple of squid so far anyway!   :)

Mr Rizla


of course i dont mind, thanks Weaver x

Also worth pointing out that i will be GPS trackable live on the route!  The link to the live map will be published on Twitter, but no need to be a twitter member to see it...

when the link is published, it will link to an external website that provide the tracking. Map, speed, time etc etc will all be on display :)


Don't forget to post a pic of you crossing the finish line!   ;D    Hope all goes well, take care.


Used the tracker to follow you and was watching on the red button to watch you go over the line but BBC stopped broadcasting just about when you must have been in the Mall.   So hope someone got a pic of you and your medal.   Well done Trouty.   ;D ;D

Mr Rizla


hey all!
yup, finished, got home, had hot bath, slept... woke up with baby boy jumping up n down on my legs! arrggghhhhh!

The official time was 5hr17:29. 
Started from the back with only about 100 behind me, finished 10,163rd  out of 19,859 finishers in my age category (18-39) (this includes the pro males), and 26,663rd overall from 34,656 finishers (inc. pro males but excludes pro females and wheelchairs)

overall, pretty pleased! was looking for a sub 5hr, but not done any training due to illness (doc thinks i may be asthmatic! having lungs checked this week)

got a HUGE blood blister on each foot, looking forward to bursting them :D

theres a couple of donations that i havent been able to thank yet (i try to make a point of thanking each and every one where i can)... so Weaver and redone thankyou!
Also,  these are possibly from other websites:
Red, Meldrew, Gladius111, BusaBoy

If you know these names, please thank them on my behalf as i am not sure what websites they are from.

I also made a point of thanking the boys and girls manning the water stations, that i stopped at, long day for them and they are the unsung heroes, without them they'd be no marathon!

I was chatting to an old boy just before the start. His name was John. We got chatting because he used to work for the Outward Bound Trust and saw my vest. He was running to raise funds for Parkinsons. He suffers from Parkinsons himself, and at 74 years old, was doing his first marathon because he wanted to get one done whilst he still could.  It was truly humbling talking to this guy who was exactly twice my age!


Well done indeed Darren.  At least three of those four names you mentioned i know are from the SOC site to which I belong so I shall say thank you for you - not sure about the other one (Red) but will ask.

I thought your time was good considering your lack of training - it was about three weeks quicker than it would take me! :) :) :)


thanks Weaver, well i registered over there and thanked them as well :)

Thanks Stem who finally managed to overcome the modern technology to get his donation through lol! :)

have managed to nab some of the official photo's and post on facebook (they have PROOF written all over them lol) but none of me crossing the finish line as... i managed to click the wrong friggin button and remove them from being me! once the official photo people have finished processing them, i'll re-find them again...