Social Rideout - May 27th

Started by Chris Hunt, March 12, 2018, 12:05:14 PM

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Chris Hunt

March 12, 2018, 12:05:14 PM Last Edit: May 25, 2018, 09:53:05 AM by Chris Hunt
>>> SOCIAL RIDEOUT <<<Sunday May 27th
Goodwood > Billy's Roadside > Goodwood
50 miles out. - 25 miles back
Meet at the Control Tower Café Goodwood PO18 0PH from 09:00 for a 10:00 getaway
Coffee etc. at Billy's Roadside Café RH14 9AE
Return to Goodwood by approximately 14:30
Please note that this is a purely social and unofficial event however I believe that USR jackets and tabards may be worn
GPX and ITN files attached below

Nick Carter Photo

Hi Chris,
Please can you confirm the date as 29th April 2018?

Reading post on Facebook are for Sunday 29th April but the forum post is Sunday 27th May.

Thank you for your help Chris.

Cheers Nick

USR 14
Nick Carter
USR 14
M 07976 919021