AH Ride today in Kent

Started by Mr Rizla, August 14, 2011, 11:37:31 PM

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Mr Rizla

Well dont know about you but i thought that went rather well today, looking forward to the feedback..



ps did anyone spot when i lost a numberplate screw, was hanging off when i got home :(


I agree Ken, it all looked good from the back.   8)

We all knew you had a screw loose - shame you seem to have lost it.


Hi Each

Thansk to everyone who took part yesterday.  Christine told me that it went very well and that Les Smith was very pleased with the USR support and as far as we know tehre were no incidents at all and the public were supportive too.

Here's a couple of pics Christine sent which i think Ken took:


I took those pics but I think Ken took one of us all before the ride started which would be great to have a copy of as I am trying to get something in South East Biker magazine. ;)
Thanks to all those who helped yeaterday, apologies don't have the name of the American guy.
  Alan Chandler Smith (KAMG)
Andy West
Bob Tobias
Paul Aspinall (Trainee Observer KAMG)
John Jacques (LAM)
Steve Phillips (LAM)
Tim Routen
Julian Quinton (Observer KAMG)
John Thomson (WVAM)
Ken Sutherland
Christine Botley (Senior Observer KAMG & Rospa Gold)
Jeff Bowers (Serv & IAM Green Badge)  Tony Young (Senior Observer KAMG)

Time is more valuable than money, nothing can be achieved without it


That'll be Wayne Smith, Christine.

And the group shot was by me.

Loaded here: http://flic.kr/p/adf1Wa

and http://flic.kr/p/adf2Q6


My few pics are here http://www.flickr.com/photos/stevephi/sets/72157627440389556/with/6046051401/

Also have put 3 Videos on YouTube

A short clip of us at the start Afghan Heroes Kent 2011 - USR Formation

A view of the riders passing whilst I was holding a Petrol Station exit   Afghan Heroes Kent Ride 2011

and then a 20 odd minute of the final approach and a view of the riders whilst I'm (unnecessarily ) helping hold the traffic. Just as I pull off to enter the car park you'll see Grandma taking the pics posted above. Afghan Heroes Kent 2011 - End of Ride


Having received an email from Lady P, I just couldn't help posting it here, just in case the other riders had not seen it...

QuoteHi Each,

Could someone please pass this on to Tony Young and John Gardiner as I don’t have e-mail address for them and Jeff can you pass it to you American friend please?
Christine has just sent me this from Les Smith re Sunday:

“All calm again, I hope...
I'm writing to express my thanks to the USRs not least your self for gathering the riders together.
I have received some extremely favourable comments from my police riders and this is credit to all concerned in the ride, special mention to rear marker, he had not the most exciting role but it was clearly invaluable on the day.  With the massive amount of riders taking part in the ride-out and the shear length of the convoy the USRs contribution was a good and vital part of the final success.”

Well done everyone! J J
Lady P

:) :) :)

Does 'invaluable' mean worthless?


Thanks Jeffrey, haven't seen the email.

The way Les shook his head and gestured to me at one point I thought he may have had a different view, well done everyone.

             Does 'invaluable' mean worthless?
Nope, the antonym however does  :)


Sorry Steve, I sent it to those who were there and you were never on any of the lists as being there!   ;D


That's fine Pen, I'm sure there are a few people who believe I'm not all there


That makes two of us.  Sorry Steve and thanks !


Hi Each - Mick Gillman sent Christine this:

> Hi Christine
> I just wanted to say a big thank you to you and your team, as never got to
> see you all together at Manston. As usual you were all superb and brought
> what we estimate (still waiting for confirmation on that one) to be just
> under 1000 bikes, safely to our destination! We have already received
> several emails from the riders saying the same, also what date will the
> ride be next year? To be honest I need a break at the moment and I am not
> even going to contemplate that one!
> Thanks once again Christine, hope to see you soon.
> Regards
> Mick "


Would you be able to e-mail them to me please Jeffrey, as I have written a small article for my IAM group mag.
Thanks Grandma
Time is more valuable than money, nothing can be achieved without it