
Started by 929 blade, March 11, 2012, 08:17:29 PM

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929 blade

For today really enjoyed the training and meeting people
sorry if i was a tad quite
i have been up since 7pm yesterday as i worked all night then went straight to the meeting this morning

dont know if this is the best way to contact other members im sure in time i will swap numbers / facebook / twitter or some other random form of messaging

roll on sat night / sun

Julian Barker [Giuliano] USR 10

Sorry I had to leave. Hope the meeting ended with a positive outcome. For those that care, the toad ended up in shrubs near the water about 75 metres from the building.

I have tried to attach some pictures.


Just a quick thanks from me too, great course, good meeting. Thanks to Pen and Steve for organising it, and to Stem and Pat for the nosh. Roll on next Sunday.


Paul M


Yes a very big thanks from me too,great venue Steve and Pen,
Great food Mrs Stem and Tracy (I tried to eat all the roast beef bagles) and thanks for organisng it Stem
Really worthwhile FBOS course,These guys,Nick they must have seen so much .
Useful USR briefing for WB and short meet about the future !

See you next week everybody and ride safe.

Julian Barker [Giuliano] USR 10

I have just realised we were asked for a contribution. I had a pocket full of cash and forgot to hand any of it over. Will there be a collection next weekend?


My thanks also go to Penn and Steve for organising yesterdays course.

At the end, Nick Patterson (our instructor) took me to one side and commented on what a dedicated, tight-knit and decent group we are and offered his help in what ever future we decide for ourselves.


Thanks to everyone who turned up and to Nick the trainer and Stem and Pat for sorting the grub.
Stem will either send out bank details or let me have them for you to pay any contributions - thanks guys and gals.
Nice to meet those I had not yet met and see some old faces.
By the way if anyone else is going on Sat next week from North of the river - any chance you can meet up with Steve?  Bob you might be the only one I think - can't remember where everyone is located.  We were going to ride down with him but forgot we are going via the in-laws as we can't be tehre on Mother's Day.



Sorry meant to say yesterday - thanks for the pics Steve.

Julian Barker [Giuliano] USR 10

What are the arrangements for getting our certificates? I discovered today at role training that I need it ASAP as all my other First Aid certs have expired and LOGOC want a valid cert.


Did you put your address on the form on the course if not hey will be sent to Tracy Boot. If so I will post them as soon as they arrive

Julian Barker [Giuliano] USR 10

So they should arrive direct. Good.


Good to see you all at Stoke Newington, brilliant venue :)
Hopefully the USR's will continue after all the hard work that has been put in by everyone
Time is more valuable than money, nothing can be achieved without it